HHP Design Considerations When Fitting Hearing Aids

woman in lavendar shirt showing off her new hearing aid

When a person deals with hearing difficulties and hearing loss, the best thing to do is try hearing aids. Hearing aids enable an individual to hear better and clearer, no matter their level of hearing loss. When choosing hearing aids, there are various things to consider ensuring they fit well and work to provide the best hearing possible. Using this guide, you can best understand the design considerations to ensure your hearing aids are right for you.

The Shape of the Outer and Inner Ear

One of the first design considerations to think about is the shape of the inner and outer ear. Each individual will have differently shaped ears. Whereby, different shapes and sizes of hearing aids will suit different people. A hearing health professional will assess the shape of the inner and outer ear and provide options to choose from, depending on your preference for aesthetics and functions.

Technological Features

Various hearing aids come with technological features, which many people enjoy so they can make their life easier. For example, being able to connect your hearing aids to your smartphone is simple. If you wish for this to benefit you, ensure to speak to your hearing health professional so that you can find hearing aids that suit this design preference.

The Severity of Hearing Loss

The severity of hearing loss will also dictate which hearing aids will be best. If you deal with profound hearing loss, behind the ear (BTE) is most often recommended. For those with mild-to-moderately-severe hearing loss, it is possible to wear in-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids which are less visible. Individuals can enjoy whichever style they want. However, certain types and styles of hearing aids cater better to severe hearing loss.


Another design consideration to factor into your hearing aid fitting is the comfort level. You might not worry about what they look like. Yet, you worry about how wearable and comfortable they are. Therefore, ensure to try various styles on so that you can find a style that you would be happy wearing for extended periods. You never know when you might need to wear them all day and if they are uncomfortable, they will not be pleasant to wear.

Battery Capacity and Capabilities

Should someone wish to not have to recharge their hearing aids daily, it is best to consider this when it comes to choosing your hearing aids. A hearing health professional can provide you with hearing aids that are easily rechargeable and have a long lifespan.


Some people are concerned about their hearing aids being too large and bulky. If this is the case, you will want to consider the appearance of the hearing aids during your fitting.

There are various options that are less visible than BTE aids. A hearing health professional can talk you through the various options, depending on your level of hearing loss. Those with severe hearing loss do require larger aids to support their hearing loss. However, there are options so do not worry if your preference is to have something as discreet as possible. Talk with your hearing health professional about which hearing aids will be best for you!