Hearing Tests

If you’ve been noticing changes in your hearing, it’s essential to take the first step toward better hearing by scheduling a hearing test with our team at Earzlink. Our experienced hearing professionals are here to guide you through the process and provide personalized care every step of the way. During your appointment, we’ll work together to understand your unique concerns and develop a comprehensive understanding of your hearing health. By taking this proactive approach, we can identify any potential issues early on and create a plan to address them effectively, ensuring you can continue to enjoy clear communication and an improved quality of life.

What Tests Will Be Done?

Our hearing health professionals may recommend several tests as we evaluate you for hearing loss. These can vary based on your age, symptoms and medical history. However, we always use at least pure-tone, bone conduction and speech tests.

The results of your tests will help us establish where in the ear the condition is occurring and the best way for us to treat it.

Pure-Tone Testing

Pure-tone tests provide valuable insights into your hearing abilities by measuring the quietest tones you can hear across various frequencies. This comprehensive assessment allows our hearing health professionals to accurately evaluate your hearing thresholds and identify any potential hearing loss across different pitches.

Bone Conduction Testing

Bone conduction testing is a specialized assessment that offers additional insights into your hearing health. By using a different type of headset, bone conduction testing provides our hearing health professionals with more detailed information about your condition. This allows for a thorough evaluation of your hearing abilities and ensures a comprehensive understanding of your overall auditory health.

Speech Testing

Speech testing is similar to pure-tone tests. However, instead of finding the lowest tone you can hear across frequencies, we look at the lowest sound level at which you can clearly identify words or speech.

We use speech tests to confirm the results of your pure-tone test.

Other Tests

Once we complete the aforementioned tests, we’ll look at your results and decide how to proceed. In some cases, that could mean completing additional tests, like a physical examination of the ear or a test of the middle ear.

We also offer specialized testing for infants, young children and adults with developmental impairments. These allow us to get the information we need without requiring as much active participation from the patient.

What to Expect During Your Hearing Test Appointment

The evaluation component of your appointment should take anywhere from 30-60 minutes to complete. Afterward, you’ll have the chance to discuss your results with a hearing health professional and ask any questions you may have about them. If the results show that you need a hearing aid, we’ll discuss what kinds of technologies would be suitable for your auditory limits. We can recommend the right model based on your hearing needs and preferences.

We recommend bringing a family member or close friend with you to the appointment. They can help you remember everything you hear and make sure you don’t forget to ask any pressing questions.